Monday, November 13, 2006

Selected Recaps for the Week of 11/6


Nikki tries to get her dark side to come out, while we find out that Micah has some abilities of his own. Meanwhile, we see some possible alliance foreshadowing with Hiro helping DL save the car crash victims. Peter asks for Nathan's help in retrieving the missing picture that will help solve the riddle of the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" tagline. Nathan gets it, but lies to Peter about having it. What's up with that? And what's up with different groups of people having similar tattoos?

Studio 60:
See in-depth critique below. This episode was OK. Tonight is the conclusion. We'll find out the compelling mystery as to why Tom was driving 120mph in Nevada. Should be a nail biter!

Pretty good ep. Though a few too many things left hanging for what is essentially the fall season finale. I'm still not sure Kate doesn't love Jack. His trick at the end with Henry Gale and the walkie talkie was pretty 007. Can't wait for February! has a great recap available here.

Dancing with the Stars:
It's down to Emmit and Slater!!

The Office:
Quite possibly the best opening ever for this show with the "Future Dwight" fax prank. Scranton branch closes, then doesn't. Jim's coming back to Stanford, along with the girl who is "kinda in to him", and I don't mean Pam. Ryan's joke about the business cards was priceless, and right on. There is an extended version of this ep at

I was so excited when Lana was fainting and getting checked out in the hospital. I wish they would kill her off, she is the most one-dimensional character on television. Of course my excitement turned to disappointment when it turned out she was only pregnant. There was a cool inside joke about Green Arrow not being in Clark's "league".

1 comment:

Kevin Cornwell, Ph.D. ( said...

I second the nomination for the office intro this week as "the best office opening ever." I haven't laughed that hard in a while.