Sunday, July 8, 2007

What Planet Was I On?

I admit, I'm a few months late with this question, but WOW!!! - have you seen the Discovery Channel's Planet Earth series yet?

If you haven't don't feel too bad, I still really haven't seen it yet either, though I did have a delicious tease of it the other night. I caught the last half of the "Shallow Seas" episode. Those twenty-five or so minutes were enough however to make me understand why this documentary series has received all the hoopla it has.

Narrated by Sigourney Weaver, the episode was extraordinarily engaging, with an overabundance of gorgeous images (I was lucky enough to catch an HD broadcast). I was especially taken with the shots from what appear to be low-orbit satellites. Those images showing Earth from a distance were breathtaking - I just hope they were real. Equally breathtaking were the shots of the nooks and crannies of the planet with which most of us are unfamiliar.

When this episode ended I immediately hit the on-screen TV Guide to find out when I could watch the next one. Alas, that is the only episode on the horizon for the next couple of weeks, but if what I saw was any indication this is a series worth waiting for.

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