Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Get Yer Ra Ra's Out!

Just read an interesting article in the Washington Post about Prince being selected as the half-time performer for this year's Super Bowl. The article's main focus was on how since "Nipplegate" happened, it's been all male performers during half-time. Guess it's less likely anything will slip out, especially if a button fly is involved.

Anyway it got me to thinking. Not about how ridiculously puritanical this country can be at times, but rather why the producers of the Super Bowl broadcast don't come up with something a little more entertaining than their run of the mill, completely un-hip half-time musical performance. Not only are these performances overblown, over rehearsed, dull-fests, but could they get less relevant artists at this point to do the show? Prince, Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Janet Jackson, and Britney Spears and Aerosmith are the most recent acts I can remember and aside from Britney, I don't think any of them has had a hit record so far this century. Who are they trying to appeal to with this crap? Granted I own albums by almost all of the performers listed above, but their heydays have come and gone and I don't see how any of them appeal to a mass audience in 2006.

Super Bowl producers you can do better. Why not have the kid's Pass, Punt, Kick finals or a Pop-Warner league super bowl go on during half-time? Better yet, put the cheerleaders from each team out on the field for 30 minutes of touch football. You couldn't peel guys away from the TV for that!

1 comment:

Kevin Cornwell, Ph.D. (agrainofNaCl@gmail.com) said...

To really make the Superbowl super, it needs K-Fed. How funny would it be to see him struggle through a performance in front of millions...