Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Lost in the Shuffle

When it returns in February, "Lost" will be moving from 9pm to 10pm on Wednesdays. The full story can be found here. I hope we aren't getting into slippery slope territory, because there is nothing more annoying than having one of your favorite shows get shuffled around more than once or twice. I used to be a devoted "Scrubs" watcher the first two seasons, until NBC moved it so many times I didn't know where to find it. I eventually gave up looking. Only recently, thanks to Comedy Central reruns, have I developed a renewed interest in the show; which is still very good by the way. Anyway, ABC made similar moves with "Alias", and with increasingly annoying frequency as the show started struggling. Not that "Lost" is struggling. In fact, I have a feeling this move might be to make sure that it doesn't start struggling. Regardless, I'll be there at 10pm with bells on.

But I'll take the bells off come 11. The article suggests that a later start may help out the local newscast on ABC affiliates at 11pm. This is an interesting statement in light of a recent Washington Post article which talks about ratings troubles for 11 o'clock news broadcasts in the D.C. area. Maybe if local news wasn't the absolute skankiest form of journalism more people would watch it. At least in my case, moving a favorite show to a lead-in spot for the local news affiliate is not going to make me anymore inclined to stay tuned for what has essentially become the nightly crime report, with a story about a bear that wandered into a swimming pool tacked on to lighten things up.

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