Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

You may have noticed that my last post was a few weeks ago. Obviously the holidays played a big part in my lack of posting, but that's not the main reason I haven't written lately. Quite frankly, there has been nothing to write about. There has been absolutely nothing on TV the last few weeks. I mean nothing. Not even good bad-movies. This past week was finally a bit of a reprieve because they started to show decent reruns on NBC, but there has really been a lack of anything interesting to watch the last couple weeks on either network or cable TV.

I don't usually watch a whole lot of holiday programming, though I was excited that TBS played National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation a couple times. That wasn't enough however, to make up for the lack of anything interesting. I'm not sure if programmers thought people weren't going to be watching television with their time off this year, or if they are just trying to rotate newer reruns and movies into their schedules, but even the cable channels didn't really pull out the compelling stuff. Heck, TV Land has a treasure trove of old shows they can pull from, and they love to do marathons, but all we got the last couple weeks were the same old episodes of Sanford and Son and All in the Family. Where was Cheers, Benson, Night Court, or Miami Vice?

A lot of times I'm not even looking for something to sit down and get lost in, but rather something I can put on as background noise that is at least a little entertaining. TNT came through today with a Law and Order marathon, but otherwise I was a little disappointed with this year's holiday offerings.

Luckily I got some TV on DVD for Christmas, including Seasons 1 and 2 of The Office. I can watch those episodes a million times and find something new each time. Last night was the first time I saw the "Office Olympics" episode and I realized that that episode is where the show hit its stride. They subtly shifted Michael's character from an oblivious jackass to an oblivious jackass with a heart. This makes a big difference, allowing the viewer to enjoy his outrageous inanity without being turned off. It's what makes this show one of the best on television. That and the origami doves Pam made for the closing ceremonies.

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