Monday, January 1, 2007


It's official, Rachel Ray is annoying. Confirmation came this morning when my wife caught a few minutes of her talk show and without prompting told me she had to change the channel; it was unwatchable. Sweet validation!!!

I can handle some of Ms. Ray's shows; for example $40 a Day is watchable. Other stuff she is in however, makes me cringe. For example, her mannerisms and overacting on 30 Minute Meals kills my appetite. It's her talk show however, that takes the cake. When I first tuned in during the shows first week on the air (everyone loves to watch a train wreck) I had to change the channel within two minutes; literally. She was so over the top in so many ways that it actually pained me to watch the show. It was bad, but I thought maybe it's really just a uni-gender show; women will get it, but it's not meant for me. Well, that theory is out the window thanks to this morning's chance viewing.

Watching her in this forum, you can't help but think of the girl in high school that wanted to be everybody's friend, but who nobody wanted to be friends with because she tried too hard. She may be a really nice person in real life (see $40 a Day), but her TV persona in most instances needs a few shots of a sedative. Not to mention the fact that she is everywhere. Someone needs to let her agent know how quick overexposure can kill a career.

Anyway, if you have a couple minutes and want to risk a head explosion, check out her show and let me know what you think.


Kevin Cornwell, Ph.D. ( said...

I think I'd prefer to drown myself in EVOO...

Unknown said...

Rachel grew up in LG, so not only is she nationally everywhere, she also advertises for the local supermarket and the local "our stuff from China is a bargain at only a 5000% markup" store and restaurant. Ugh.