Tuesday, April 24, 2007

FCC to Curb TV Violence? Good Luck!

So it looks like the FCC wants to step in and regulate the amount of violence on television. Particularly between the hours of 6am and 10pm, when "children are likely to be viewers". Good luck fellas. And so long Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, The Three Stooges, etc.

What I'm getting at is that this is a futile and misguided crusade. What's considered violent? Obviously, there is a distressingly large amount of murder and assault to be found in prime time and increasingly during the day time. But what about a show like CSI where you don't necessarily see the crime but get to witness first-hand the extremely graphic autopsy/forensic investigation? And what about those programs I mentioned above? Those shows are specifically aimed at children and they contain an overabundance of violent images.

So does the nightly news come to think of it. Will the FCC keep the networks and cable news outlets from showing us scenes from the war in Iraq, or from countless other conflicts across the globe?

Armed with good sense, a remote, and a DVR I can do a pretty good job on my own of controlling what my daughter sees on TV. Where I need help is in getting rid of all the talk about intercourse and erectile dysfunction we have to listen to while watching a baseball game together on a Saturday afternoon.

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