Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Some Sad News, Some Possibly Bad News, and Some Really Good News

First for the sad news. Tom Poston passed away Monday at the age of 85. Probably, best known for his role as George Utley on Newhart, Poston starred in countless television roles. Some may remember him as the cranky upstairs neighbor Mr. Bickley from Mork and Mindy. I remember seeing him most recently as a patient on ER. Take a look at his IMDB profile to get an idea of just how much stuff he was in.

And now the possibly bad news. Alec Baldwin, in a misguided attempt to make up for his indefensible tirade against his daughter, has decided he wants to leave 30 Rock to focus on divorced dad and "parental alienation" issues. (Note to Alec: It's probably a better idea to stick with what you are good at than to try and be the next Dr. Phil; forgiveness is for closers) Luckily the network doesn't appear to agree with his strategy and probably won't let him go just yet. Alessandra Stanley writes an impassioned plea for Baldwin to remain on 30 Rock, both for our sake and his.

Finally, some good news. As most everyone knows, Rosie is going bye-bye, at least for a time anyway. It will be so great to wake up everyone morning without having to hear about some stupid rant she went on during the previous day's broadcast of that stupid rant fest known as The View. Here's hoping her next TV project is a behind-the-scenes role so we don't have to see that creepy non-smile smile or hear that cheese-grater-on-a-chalkboard voice of hers anymore.

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