Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"24" aka "As The Clock Ticks"

While watching 24 last night I couldn't help but wonder if the writing staff had walked out and been replaced by soap opera writers. Are you kidding me with that heart-to-heart between the Veep and Karen? The only thing missing was some weepy violin music playing softly in the background. But that wasn't the only homage to daytime serials in this episode. Marilyn's question to Jack - "Did he say anything else?" - regarding Papa Bauer's abduction demand for Josh confirmed in my mind that the boy is actually Jack 2.0; a fact I'm sure Jack will find out only once his spawn has died at the hands of his dear old, China-loving, seriously-in-need-of-a-trim Grandad.

It's a shame really, because last night's episode started off pretty good; even in spite of the fact that the writers actually want us faithful viewers to believe that a building as secure as CTU could be breached through a sewer grate in what appears to be the building's utility closet. It was good to see Jack and The Ricker force a showdown with Cheng, and even better to see Morris gain some redemption through his helping Jack and Nadia take out their captors. Those instances were fleeting however, and not enough to make up for the ridiculousness of the aforementioned scenes or that of the White House Chief of Staff running a covert field-op.

When will this day ever end? Oh yeah, that's right, next week.

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