Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Lost" Housekeeping

The end-date of Lost has been confirmed and Jeff Jensen at has an interesting interview with the producers about the show's future prospects now that they can officially say they know where the show is going. Note the Star Wars reference buried in the middle of the article.

Jensen's preview of tonight's episode, "The Man Behind the Curtain", is also available at Especially intriquing is the producers' tease that "two words will change Locke's life". Also note a second Star Wars reference from an unrelated source. Despite Lost's numerous father-son dynamics, I don't actually buy into the show being based in any way on the Skywalker family tree. Still, the references and related theories are kinda fun.

I'm getting extremely psyched for the finale. I'm trying my hardest to stay away from the spoiler sites, but sometimes can't help myself. By all accounts we are building to what sounds like a great two-hour season ender.

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