Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Day, Another Overthrow

I came across this quote within an article about a miniseries on BBC America and I found myself (surprisingly) agreeing with it:

Viewers already are on their sixth trek down this road on 24, a show that, after a great seasonal start, seems to be plunging off the conspiracy deep end. (Another attempt to overthrow the president? Doesn't anyone in the Palmer family know how to staff a White House?)

Last week I remember remarking, while watching Lennox and Reed plan what can only be an assassination plot, that 24 has gone to this well once too often. The political intrigue of last season was the basis of the plot and therefore mesmerizing, not only because the President was involved in allowing a terrorist attack to happen, but also because he was basically a puppet. But after a whole season of political infighting and undermining the show needs to find a different focus. Hopefully they will resolve this storyline quickly and focus on what is really the captivating theme of this season: Jack fighting his family and his demons.


Unknown said...

I agree, the political conspiracies are starting to wear thin... another sinsiter Veep? The CTU scenes are pretty week this year too-- it was an amazing plot twist when they killed off Tony, Michelle and Edgar last year, but there aren't any interesting supporting characters. Where's Karen Hayes? Even Audrey (i guess she being held hostage in a bank somewhere)?

At least "Lost" is back on top, that Desmond episode blew my mind...

Chris Frasier said...

I think Karen is on a plane to LA which means she won't be around for a few hours. Although, the were able to get that Assad guy from Cali to D.C. in what I think was approx. 3 hours.