Saturday, February 10, 2007

Found. (Part 2)

Lost got it's groove back this week, although in my opinion it never really lost it. Most of the negative press the show is getting seems to me to be the standard response people have when something really good disappoints them in even a minuscule way. There are a ton of shows out there that disappoint week after week, so maybe Lost's critics can take a crack at some of those and stop trying to kill my buzz.

There was a great in-depth article in this week's issue of "Entertainment Weekly" that covered a lot of this ground as well as some hints at future developments in the series. The whole article can be found online here.

Anyway, this week's episode was very cool. Ben waking up in the middle of his surgery was awesome, as was the fact that it appears whatever organization The Others are a part of were actually able to have Juliet's ex-husband get hit by a bus after she made a stressed-out, impetuous wish to that effect. We've already seen how ruthless these guys can be, but I had no idea they had the cojones to kidnap people from back in the real world. Do you get the feeling that a lot of The Others like Jack, or at least respect him? Can't wait for next week's Desmond flashback.

Quick Notes

picked up the pace again after what seemed like a placeholder episode last week. Maybe it's my dark side welling up, but it was pretty awesome to see Jack torture his own brother.

Heroes banked another good episode. I was a little afraid that George Takei's guest spot might be a little over the top, but since he didn't speak English I think it kept it from going campy.

I've officially given up on Studio 60.

Both 30 Rock and The Office were stellar this week, as usual. Scrubs was good too, and a little sad when we found out that J.D.'s girlfriend lied about having a miscarriage.

Smallville must have heard about my post from a couple weeks past because this and last week's episodes were definitely an improvement over what we've seen from that show lately.

Finally, The Police are reuniting for the Grammy's tomorrow night. I will be sure to record the show and just watch that performance. The Grammy's have become not only irrelevant but also, in comic-book-guy ease, the

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