Saturday, February 3, 2007

Found? (Part I)

After a long, mild winter Lost finally returns this Wednesday in it's new time slot (10pm). By most accounts the episode is worth the wait. The "What to Watch" section in this week's "Entertainment Weekly" describes the episode as "good...really good...first season what's-in-the-hatch good". TV Gal over at makes the same claim, and with such a great finish to the last ep in Nov - "Kate, Dammit, Run!"- how could picking up where we left off not be equally as good. By the way, over at ABC Lost's site you can watch some previews of the upcoming episode and season (Tip: Be patient. There are a number of previews, but there are short ads between each).

In related news, USA Today has a piece about the show's return, it's prospects for increasing it's ratings, and whether it really is at a creative crossroads. My answer to that last question is no; the show is as good as it has ever been. The problem, in my opinion, lies with the instant-gratification portion of the audience who are unwilling or unable to wait out a mystery. Isn't that the point?

Finally, the Washington Post has a rather extensive article on the number of shows taking relatively lengthy hiatuses (hiati??) this season, including Lost. Are such breaks good for these series? I would say yes. Why not have every serialized drama run their seasons like 24? I can wait a year between seasons if I know I don't have to sit through weeks of reruns. And right now I can't think of anything better than knowing that I have sixteen straight weeks of Lost coming my way.

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