Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"Unexpected" Delight

So I really liked this week's episode of Heroes, a lot. I've liked the show all along, but this was really the first episode where I was still thinking about it after it ended. Maybe this is because stuff actually happened this week as opposed to what has just seemed like episode after episode of build up. Hiro and Ando go their separate ways, Claire's family gets held hostage by Ted the Atom Man and Park-Man, and perhaps the coolest thing we discover is that Peter not only absorbs other people's powers, but he was also able to absorb those stolen from others by Sylar, which means he can do quite a bit.

I thought it was neat how Sylar bit off more than he could chew. I wonder if he'll remember that the lady's defense against super hearing was to listen to rap music? I also thought it was interesting that Hiro not only turned back time, but actually altered it. When he willed the bullet back into the gun, the gun kicked back on the girl giving Dauber time to tackle her. That's a pretty significant difference than just being able to put the bullet back and jump out of the way.

I'm feeling better and better about this show and am glad to finally be seeing some payoff. How about you?

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