Monday, March 19, 2007

Andy Barker, P.I.

If you missed the pilot this past Thursday, check out Andy Barker, P.I. for free at This show has some promise and a laundry list of reasons to give it a chance. Not the least of which is that is stars Andy Richter and Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested Development). Add to that the fact that Conan O'Brien is a co-creator and executive producer and the show is worth watching for the pedigree alone. The series also has an interesting premise: an accountant moves into a new office and is mistaken for the old tenant, a private investigator. Without too many clients, Andy is tempted to take on the case and thus embarks on a crossover career of catching crooks and deductible expenses.

I found the pilot pretty entertaining, chock full of jokes you might miss if you aren't paying close attention. I also thought it was a nice touch how the pilot had no credits and the title wasn't even shown until the end at the geekily-coolest possible moment. Definitely worth further watching.

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