Friday, March 9, 2007

Mr. Buchanan, Can I Go Home Early Today?

Check out Ken Tucker's review of this week's ep of 24 and tell me if you don't kind of agree with him that this season is a little spotty. My major gripe this week concerns how we are expected to believe in these characters when they do stupid things. For example, Jack knows that everyone in the consulate is waiting outside the doors, he spoke with them for goodness sake. Regardless, after he gets his info he walks right into their waiting arms, no gun drawn, no thought of maybe going out the back. The good news is he was able to convince one of the Russians to call CTU. Inexplicably however, this guy has to change rooms to make the phone call on his cell phone, thereby leaving himself open to be killed by a co-conspirator of the ambassador. Seriously?! These techniques they are using to stretch out the plot are getting a little thin. Maybe we could make this season a half day.

Other News

Newsweek recently ran an article making the argument that TV is better than the movies. I can't necessarily disagree, though one comment by NBC President Kevin Reilly made me laugh. He made the comment that "desperation breeds inspiration" as if most of what is on TV right now is inspired. While I grant him that there are some really unique shows on now, probably more than in the past, the grim reality is that there are vastly more relying on outdated, tired formulas; and for every unique, creative show that succeeds, there is an exponential amount of copycats. He should have said desperation breeds imitation.

It's probably more coincidence than anything, but I like to think the producers of Smallville read my post that lambasted the creative direction of the show. The last two or three episodes have actually gotten me back into rooting for the series. Lana's realization that Clark has powers was a breath of fresh air, and I can't wait to see what Chloe's meteor freak ability is.

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