Monday, March 19, 2007

Theories, Theories

So I have some theories about what we saw transpire on this past week's episode of Lost. If you havent' seen it yet, go watch it on First off, I thought it was pretty creepy how Patchy knew all about "the list" and also was about to spill the beans in front of everyone about Locke's paralysis before he was interrupted by Rousseau. That being said, I have a feeling Locke has some ulterior motives to finding The Others' base camp. As we saw in the preview for this week, Locke confronts Henry Gale and says, "I'm not looking for Jack..." Interesting enough, but a preview for Canadian television (available here) has him finish that sentence with, "I'm looking for the submarine." Could it be that Locke feels so grateful to the island for changing his life that he will try to destroy any way of returning to the real world? He blew up the transmission station (and lied about knowing it was rigged with C4), he killed Patchy (in my opinion) to keep him from blowing his secret, and now he is probably looking for the sub so he can destroy it-hence the extra chunk of C4 he has stashed in his bag.

As for Jack getting along so well with The Others - and how awesome was that football spike to end the ep? - I think it is part of his master plan to get everyone off the island. I can't believe he would abandon everyone - there is definitely something to his tattoos and the Thai chick's saying he is a leader and the fact that his name is Shephard (even though they don't spell it right). There is also something major at work in the fact that his father shows up in some way in almost everyone elses flashbacks and his name is Christian Shephard. I think Jack is going to make nice with The Others just long enough to gain some advantage that will help him get everyone home. Check out the last thing he whispers to Kate in this clip.

This show is as good as ever.

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