Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Return of "The Ricker"

At long last The Ricker has made it to CTU's HQ, replacing the recently departed Curtis as head of field ops. While he didn't reprise the Brooklyn accent he affected on NYPD Blue (which for some reason I expected), The Ricker was all business, barking orders and strangling employees who didn't immediately do as told. It was good to see Jack again, even if it wasn't really him, and I have to wonder, as EW did in it's profile of 24 a few issues ago if we aren't seeing the the beginning of a torch hand-off. Will Bauer bite it before this day ends?

Anyway, back to The Ricker - who I will probably never refer to by his character's actual name. He must be made of Kevlar since he was the only member of the SWAT team not wearing any protective gear. Though I suppose Jack usually does the same thing. Apparently, being leader doesn't include leading by example in the safety department.

Other than the new blood at CTU the most memorable moment of last night's episode was Martha Logan stabbing her husband in the chest, and then later asking why she was in handcuffs. All this however pales in comparison to what I thought, quite frankly, was the best line of the night: Aaron Pierce answering the phone and saying the words, "Martha Logan's Bungalow". Maybe it was because it was so late, or perhaps it was the juxtaposition of such a phrase in the midst of a rather intense episode, but that line was "gold Jerry, gold!"

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