Thursday, March 22, 2007


That's what I have to say to all those people who gave up on Lost. Last night's episode, "The Man From Tallahassee", was the best this season and ranks up there with the last third of season two's run, which in my opinion was just brilliant television. If you haven't seen it yet, stop reading and go to to watch it.

We finally found out how Locke got into the wheelchair, and though the manner in which it occurred was shocking, we hardly even cared by the time they got to it because so much other stuff happened. Jack and Juliet were set to leave the island pronto, Sayid and Kate get captured, and Locke squares off against Ben/Henry Gale in some of the best back and forth I've seen on any show (obvious exception being The Office) in a long time. By the way, I was dead-on with my destroying the sub theory, though I'll admit I was a little off with my views on Jack - seeing how he was scheduled to leave at dawn - but I'm not convinced I'm entirely off-base, especially since he isn't going home anymore. It was pretty significant that Tom let him in to see Kate and that he warned him about the bugs in the room. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about read my recent post "Theories, Theories".)

Not only that but how awesome was Sayid's exchange with Alex? "How do you know my name?" "Because you look like your mother." That's ranks up there with last year's "..but I still did not believe you, so I dug up that grave". And then Jack's stare at Locke after he blew up the sub, priceless.

I have to admit I wasn't quite surprised Locke's dad was there on the island at the end though. Right near the end when Ben looked in on Locke I thought to myself "where is this man from talla...oh, I bet it's gonna be his father". Other bloggers picked up on it quicker than that, but like I said there was so much going it was easy to miss the telegraphing. Anyway it should be interesting to see how he got there. My guess is there is more to it than just the Locke connection, because I'm pretty sure he is the "real" Sawyer. According to some other blogs, I'm not the only one. Some people complained about the possibility of him being pulled out of Ben's "magical box", but I think that is more a metaphor for something else going on. If it was supposed to be literal, then Locke's joke about conjuring a new sub would have been a realistic possibility in Ben's mind.

Though I had no problems with the eps that aired in November, I do believe ABC erred in airing this season broken up the way they did. Unfortunately, those not patient enough to stick around are missing out on a show that is still thoroughly in its prime.

For some other reaction to last night's ep check out:,,20015692,00.html

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought it was a great episode too, I've been happy with most of them in this second batch of season 3. Amazes me how many people think the "magic box" is a real magic box-- I just assumed it was a metaphor right away...